Housing Policies & Standards of Conduct

University housing residents are responsible for abiding by all University and Housing policies, regulations and standards of conduct located at https://dasa.fiu.edu/all-departments/student-conduct-and-academic-integrity/. Housing policies should be read broadly, and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. Students are responsible for being familiar with and abiding by all policies contained within the Student Conduct and Honor Code. The policies listed in this section are provided as a partial summary for Housing residents. Refer to the FIU Student Conduct and Honor Code for further explanation.  Violation of any Housing policy or standard of conduct, or the violation of the Housing Agreement shall be considered a violation of the Student Conduct and Honor Code and may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to immediate termination of the Housing Agreement. Items found to be in violation of Housing regulations and/or University policies may be confiscated and/or discarded at the discretion of Residential Experience staff. Fines may also be imposed for violation of Housing policies. Housing Policies are subject to change. Residents are responsible for knowing and abiding by all of the Housing policies.

Room Safety Checks are conducted several times per semester. During this process, appropriate residential experience staff members will check the condition of the room, check for safety violations, and assess any violations.

  • Housing Policies/Community Standards

    Housing Policies/Standards of Conduct

    University housing residents are responsible for abiding by all University and Housing policies, regulations and standards of conduct located at https://dasa.fiu.edu/all-departments/student-conduct-and-academic-integrity/. Housing policies should be read broadly, and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. Students are responsible for being familiar with and abiding by all policies contained within the Student Conduct and Honor Code. The policies listed in this section are provided as a partial summary for Housing residents. Refer to the FIU Student Conduct and Honor Code for further explanation.  Violation of any Housing policy or standard of conduct, or the violation of the Housing Agreement shall be considered a violation of the Student Conduct and Honor Code and may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to immediate termination of the Housing Agreement. Items found to be in violation of Housing regulations and/or University policies may be confiscated and/or discarded at the discretion of Residential Life staff. Fines may also be imposed for violation of Housing policies. Housing Policies are subject to change. Residents are responsible for knowing and abiding by all of the Housing policies.

    Room Safety Checks are conducted several times per semester. During this process, appropriate residential experience staff members will check the condition of the room, check for safety violations, and assess any violations.

    U.01 Alcohol and Drugs

    1. Residents and guests under 21 years of age:
      1. Consumption, possession, or use of alcohol in a housing room/unit where all assigned residents of that on-campus housing unit are under 21 is prohibited (dry rooms/units).
        1. Everglades Hall, Panther Hall, Lakeview North, and Lakeview South are dry buildings; regardless of age, no alcohol is allowed.
      2. Possession, use, or consumption of alcohol when under the age of 21 as outlined by Florida Law is prohibited.
      3. If all the residents in the unit are under the legal drinking age of 21, no one (including of-age guests) may possess or consume alcohol in the unit.
      4. Misrepresenting or misstating one’s age or using altered identification to obtain alcohol is prohibited.
    2. Residents and guests 21 years of age and older:
      1. Residents 21 years of age or older, living with other people who are all 21 years of age of older, may consume beverages in their individual bedroom or in their shared common area of their contracted living space (kitchen/living room).
      2. Residents 21 years of age and older, living with at least one roommate who is not 21 years of age or older, may only consume alcohol within their assigned bedroom or in a room where all assigned residents are 21 years of age or older.
      3. Guests 21 years of age and older may only consume alcohol in rooms where all residents are 21 years of age or older.
      4. Dispensing, selling, or supplying alcoholic beverages to an individual who is under the age of 21, as outlined by Florida Law, is prohibited.
    3. Alcohol Containers and Intoxication:
      1. Use or possession of kegs, beer balls, beer taps, alcohol vaporizers, and/or any excessive-consumption device (funnels, beer/alcohol pong tables, bongs, etc.) are not permitted in any room or area of university-owned housing.
      2. Alcohol and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas (such as lobbies, lounges, stairwells, courtyards, and hallways) is prohibited for all students regardless of age.
      3. Violating any other University policy while under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. Members of the FIU community who choose to drink will he held fully responsible for their behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Loss of control due to intoxication does not excuse or justify violation of the state law, University regulations, or the rights of others.
      4. Alcohol bottles, alcohol cans, and alcohol packaging are not permitted as decorations. These items may also be considered as evidence of consumption.
    4. For more details Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code section 5(iv.)
    5. Drugs:
      1. Residents and guests are prohibited from the possession, use, the manufacture, creation and/or the cultivation of illegal drugs or prescription drugs without a prescription. Further, inhalable, or ingestible substances (e.g., nitrous oxide, glue, paint) that will alter a student’s mental state and drug paraphernalia, in accordance with Section 5(ix.) of the Student Conduct and Honor Code is also prohibited.

    U.02 Animals / Pets

    1. Animals serving as Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) or Service Animals should be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). For more information, please refer to the DRC’s Medical Accommodations page.
    2. Fish are permitted in the residence halls. The maximum fish tank size is 10 gallons.
    3. Feeding of stray or wild animals is prohibited.
    4. Residents having any unregistered animal(s) in their unit may be immediately relocated to a different housing unit and/or different housing area. If found in violation of the policy, the resident’s Housing Agreement may be terminated and/or the resident may be excluded from returning to campus housing/ signing up to live on campus for future semesters/terms.
    5. Any cost associated with the animal will be charged to the responsible party, including administrative charges ranging from $100 to $500 as well as charges for damages, cleaning, and pest control.

    U.03 Antennas

    External antennas/dishes of any type are prohibited.

    U.04 Cleanliness

    1. Rooms, apartments, and suites must always be kept clean and sanitary, including proper disposal of empty food and beverage containers. Students will be charged a cleaning fee starting at $100 for rooms that are deemed unsanitary by Housing and Residential Experience Staff.
    2. Trash must be disposed of in designated bins or dumpsters. Violators are subject to a $50 charge per bag.

    U.05 Cooking Appliances

    1. All cooking appliances must be stored and used only in the kitchen-area of residential units.
    2. Possession of oil-based deep fryers, additional burners, hot plates, or gas grills in student living units is prohibited.
    3. Culinary knives used for their intended purpose are allowed in the residence halls and must be stored in the kitchen area.

    U.06 Damages

    1. Damage to property of any other person or entity is prohibited.Damages which occur in a unit be charged to the resident(s) at a rate which includes actual replacement and labor costs. Public area damages will be charged to those identified as responsible. Public area damages not charged to a specific individual may be charged to residents of a floor, building, or unit.

    U.07 Decorations

    1. Cans, bottles, neon signs, posters, aluminum foil, solicitation, personal messages, or other materials are prohibited from display in or attached to room windows.
    2. Decorating external doors, door frames, or hallways is prohibited. Only one door name tag is permitted per resident.
    3. Residents are prohibited from painting, wallpapering, and paneling residence hall rooms and/or common areas.
    4. Nails, tacks, or any adhesive products that will do damage to surfaces is not permitted.
    5. Shelves or other items are not to be attached to walls or ceilings.
    6. Carpet may not be affixed to the floor surface.
    7. Cinder blocks are not permitted to lift or adjust beds, desks, chairs, tables, couches, or other furniture.

    Residents are encouraged to decorate their units in a way that is pleasing and comfortable to them. However, residents need to be respectful of roommates and community members when decorating. Some words, symbols, images, etc. may offend others. The Department of Housing and Residential Experience will review resident or staff complaints due to offensive or questionable decorations. Appeals of decisions are at the discretion of the Director of Residential Experience and/ or their designee. (See the Polices and Regulations Section for more information)

    Residents will be charged for the repair of any damages to their rooms/common areas/lounges if found in violation of these policies.

    U.08 Elevators

    1. Tampering with or rewiring elevators is prohibited.
    2. Elevators may not be used during general building evacuation, in a fire, or severe weather emergency.
    3. Residents and their guests are prohibited from jumping/jostling within or riding on top of an elevator at any time.
    4. Ringing the elevator bell or call button in non-emergency situations is prohibited.

    U.09 Failure to Comply

    1. Residents and their guests must follow directives of identified Housing and Residential Experience staff.
      1. Failure to comply with a request or directive of a University Official or non-University law enforcement official in the performance of their duty is prohibited.
      2. Failure to comply when a University Official requests to identify oneself and/or produce FIU identification.
    2. For more details Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code section 5(xi.)

    U.10 Fire Safety

    1. Possession of candles, candle warmers, wickless candles, incense, or other heating device with an open flame is prohibited.
    2. Flammable liquids and solvents (gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, propane, etc.) are not permitted in any university-owned student housing areas Residents are permitted to store charcoal (non-presoaked) in units.
    3. Tampering with or covering a university smoke detector is a criminal offense and strictly prohibited.
    4. Tampering with or hanging items from a fire sprinkler is strictly prohibited.
    5. For more details Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code section 5(xiii.)

    U.11 Furnishings

    1. Furnishings may not be removed from assigned locations. Community/lounge furniture may not be removed or relocated.
    2. Alterations to furnishings will result in charges for replacement or restoration to original condition.
    3. Personal beds (non-FIU beds), lofts, homemade bunk beds, futons, couches, or oversized furniture are not permitted in the residence hall.
    4. Personal washing machines and dryers, or any other large, major household appliances are not permitted.
    5. Personal furnishings that pose a safety risk, impede movement within the unit, or present a fire hazard are not permitted.Housing and Residential Life Staff reserve the right to have students to remove personal furnishing items. 

    U.12 Guests

    Definition: A guest is defined as someone that is not an assigned resident to the room/apartment and/or building in which the person is visiting. Residential Experience staff reserve the right to request a guest to leave the residential community at any time.

    Violation(s) of the guest policies may result in loss of visitation privileges, immediate room change, and/or termination of the Housing Agreement.

    1. Guest(s) must sign-in with their host at the Front Desk upon arrival. Guest(s) must show identification and provide requested information to the Desk Assistant upon arrival to the residence hall. All guests must always have a valid photo ID within the residence halls. Only individuals 18 years of age and older (with proper photo identification) will be approved to visit the residence halls. Limited exceptions include Parent and Family Day, escorted tours, residents who are under the age of 18 and individuals who are part of an approved visit program with a signed waiver.
    2. Guests MUST be escorted by their host, a current housing resident of the building of which they are present. Resident hosts must always accompany their guest(s) within the residential areas. Unescorted guests will be required to leave the Residential area.
    3. Students hosting guests, both University-affiliated and non-university affiliated, are responsible for their guests while the guest(s) visit the residential community. The resident host will be held accountable for the actions of their guest(s).
    4. Each resident may host only one overnight guest at a time. Overnight guests are not permitted during final exams week. An approved guest may stay on campus up to three consecutive nights within a seven- day period and no more than 10 cumulative nights per semester regardless of his/her/their host. During Summer A and Summer B guest(s) may stay no more than five cumulative nights regardless of their host.
    5. An overnight guest is defined as a guest(s) in a housing unit between the hours of midnight and 8:00am.
    6. Cohabitation is not permitted. For on-campus housing, cohabitation is defined as: the housing of unauthorized individual(s) in a residential unit for more than three (3) consecutive days, or the sharing of a housing space, including storage of another’s belongings in one’s assigned unit.
    7. Knowingly hosting person(s) who have been trespassed from on-campus housing facilities is prohibited.
      1. Anyone who has been removed from housing or has canceled their housing agreement must abide by the guest policies, if permitted in the residence hall.

    U.13 Harassment

    Harassment is strictly prohibited. Harassment is defined as: Severe or pervasive interactions aimed towards another or entity which is by objective measure threatening, abusive, or severely annoying and that is beyond the scope of free speech and which is not covered by FIU Regulation 105. 

    For more details Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code section 5(xv.)

    U.14 Identification

    Residents should keep their room key and Panther ID Card with them at all times. Residents must present identification upon request by an University official, including Housing and Residential Experience Staff. Presenting a false ID or impersonating a university official is prohibited.

    U. 15 Interactions with Housing and Residential Experience and University Staff

    Housing & Residential Experience staff members who, in the course of their duties, are confronted with violations of university policy, are obligated to report them. HRE staff members include: Senior Director, Director, Assistant Directors, Managers, Residential Experience Coordinators, Graduate Students, Resident Assistants, facilities staff, custodial staff and student assistants. The harassment of any staff member (of FIU or of a partner representative) may result in disciplinary action.

    U.16 Littering

    Dispersing litter in any form on university premises or facilities is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to cigarette butts, flyers, cans, bottles, etc.

    U.17 Mail

    1. Tampering with mailbox locks and package lockers is prohibited.
    2. Removal of mail addressed to another person is prohibited. Mail addressed to anyone other than the current occupant(s) should be returned to the Housing Package Center in Lakeview South (LVS).
    3. Letters and packages must be properly addressed and include the resident’s official first and last name; mail that is addressed to anyone other than official first and last names will be returned to sender.
    4. Only authorized staff are permitted to enter mailrooms and/or sorting and distribution areas.

    U.18 Motorcycles/Bicycles/In-line Skates/Skateboards/Scooters/ Hoverboards

    1. Bicycles must be stored in bicycle racks or the student unit, provided that they do not impede movement within the unit. They may not be stored in hallways, entry areas, or stairwells, or attached to railings, or light poles. Improperly stored bicycles, and/or motorcycles will be removed at the owner’s expense. (Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code Section 5(xvii.)
    2. Riding motorcycles, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or use of skates in hallways, lounges, and lobbies is prohibited.
    3. Pocket bikes are not permitted on sidewalks or roadways.
    4. The use or possession of hover boards and/or similar devices is prohibited. These items may not be carried, used, stored, and/or charged in any University housing residence hall or unit. These items will be confiscated.
    5. Motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, golf carts, other motorized vehicles or parts to a motorized vehicle may not be operated, stored, or charged in the buildings at any time, including the period between semesters. These vehicles must be properly parked in a designated parking spot on campus, following parking rules and regulations.Medically required scooters can request an exemption through the DRC.

    U.19 Postings

    1. Unauthorized posting of notices, flyers, advertisements, or other information in on-campus housing facilities is prohibited. Any posting for an FIU event must be pre-approved by the Office of Residential Experience.
    2. Posting of events with alcohol and/or drugs is prohibited.

    U.20 Projectiles

    1. Throwing any object from a window, ledge, roof, or balcony, or within the courtyards is prohibited.
    2. The use of slingshots or other related items is prohibited.

    U.21 Property and Facilities

    1. Students may not engage in theft, malicious destruction, defacement, damage, or misuse of university or private property or common area facilities.
    2. Replacement and repair costs will be charged to the responsible party(ies). Usage policies for specific common area facilities are available at each residence hall.

    U.22 Quiet/Courtesy Hours

    1. Quiet Hours
      • Sunday – Thursday: 10pm - 8am;
      • Friday & Saturday: 12am (midnight) - 10am;
      • 24-hours during the week of final exams
    2. Courtesy Hours (24/7)
      1. Residents are responsible for turning down sound systems, discontinuing noisy activity, and turning off subwoofers if requested to do so by another resident or staff member at any time of day.
    3. Loud talking/music or other disruptive noise in rooms, courtyards, stairwells, or lobby areas during designated quiet hours and during 24-hour courtesy hours is prohibited.
    4. Speakers may not be placed in windows.
    5. Quiet hours are enforced regardless of holidays or semester breaks.

    U.23 Railings and Roofs

    1. Sitting on, standing on, climbing on, or hanging from a railing, or roof is prohibited. Residents may not crawl out of a window unless directed to do so by emergency personnel.
    2. Hanging or securing unauthorized items from roofs or windows, including bikes, banners, signs, clothing, plants, or other items is prohibited.

    U.24 Reservations

    Residence hall lounges and reserve-able spaces are only for residents and their approved guests. To use reserved spaces (conference rooms, multipurpose room, etc.), residents must request the space using the reservation requests system https://reservations.fiu.edu/ or by contacting the Residential Experience Coordinator.

    U.25 Room Transfers

    Residents are prohibited from changing room assignments without receiving official authorization from the Housing and Residential Experience Operations staff. This includes administrative transfers and mutual room swaps. An unauthorized room charge fee of $200 will be assessed to each resident found in violation of this policy.

    U.26 Safety and Security

    Keys are issued to each resident at check-in. An $100 lock change fee is assessed for each lost key since a core change is processed for the room.

    Residents will be permitted one courtesy lockout (by card or key) without charge per semester. Upon the second lockout, and every subsequent lockout, a $50 fee will be issued to the resident.

    1. Guest(s) may not be given a key to the unit, a resident's Panther ID card, or a resident’s mobile access for the purpose of accessing the unit or any entity in the building. The resident of the unit will be held accountable if this occurs.
    2. Keys may not be duplicated. All keys are property of Florida International University.
    3. Locks may not be tampered with in any way that interferes with the use of keys or prevents locking/unlocking of doors.
    4. Locks may not be added to any doors in the unit, nor may they be changed or replaced except by authorized housing personnel.
    5. The use of a dead bolt in the lock position in order to keep the door propped open is prohibited.
    6. Allowing an individual access into a housing facility through an unauthorized or locked entrance is prohibited.
    7. No door may be propped open; a possible $50 charge will be assessed for a propped door.
    8. All individuals who visit the FIU residential areas must respect students’ rights to privacy and security.

    U.27 Sales, Solicitation, and Canvassing

    1. Door-to-door solicitation, sales, and canvassing in the residence halls is not permitted.
    2. Distribution of flyers or leaflets or the placement of these items on cars is prohibited.
    3. Unauthorized placement of flyers and other forms of publicity in student mailboxes is prohibited.
    4. Engaging in sales, business activities, and/or running a business within one’s unit, a residential building or residential area is prohibited.

    U.28 Smoking

    1. In accordance with Florida State Law, smoking is prohibited in all University buildings and sections thereof, owned, leased, or operated by the University. This includes but is not limited to, classrooms, stairwells, bathrooms, offices, hallways, labs, libraries, and on-campus housing facilities/units. (Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code Section 5(xxiii.)
    2. FIU is a smoke, vape-free, and tobacco-free campus. Under the regulation, smoking, vaping, and use of tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes) are prohibited in all areas of FIU'’s campuses.
    3. Smoking, Vaping, Tobacco, and all devices used for smoking (i.e., e- cigarettes, hookahs, pipes, etc.) are not permitted in any of the residence hall rooms, units and facilities, including courtyards, elevators, stairwells, balconies, lounges, patios, etc. Throwing cigarettes on the ground is considered littering.Ashes and buds will be considered evidence of smoking in a unit.

    U.29 Social Gatherings

    1. Social gatherings, parties, and meetings in individual units are subject to all Municipal, State and Federal Laws, as well as University policies. The number of people in an unit at any time, including residents of the unit, must be limited as follows:

    Unit Type                            Maximum Occupancy allowed

    4 bed units:                        8 people

    3 bed units:                        6 people

    2 bed units:                        4 people

    1 bed unit:                          2 people 

    Residential Experience staff reserve the right to disperse gatherings when residents or guests are in violation of any University or Housing policy.

    U.30 Sports in Residence Halls

    Participating in sporting activities in units, hallways, courtyards, lounges, breezeways, and lobbies is prohibited.

    U.31 Trespassing/Unauthorized Use

    Unauthorized presence in, or unauthorized use of university property, facilities, or restricted areas is prohibited.

    U.32 Unauthorized Recordings

    1. No resident may audio or video record, broadcast, or live stream another resident inside their residence halls, including all public areas, without their knowledge or consent. Audio or visual equipment includes, but is not necessarily limited to door cameras, computer microphones, computer webcams, cellphones, digital cameras, and other audio recording devices.
    2. Non-residents are not permitted to engage in audio or visual recording, broadcasting, or live streaming within residence hall public areas (including, but not limited to, lobbies, lounges, kitchens, study lounges, recreation rooms, hallways, and laundry rooms) without the written consent of Housing and Residential Experience. Audio or visual equipment includes, but is not necessarily limited to door cameras, and other digital video or audio recording devices.

    U.33 Unit (Roommate/Suitemate) Agreement

    1. Residents who share a housing unit with at least one other person (roommate, suitemate, etc.) must complete the unit agreement in Roompact.com by the second week of the semester. The unit agreement includes guidelines for a successful living environment. If a resident moves in after the start of the semester, the residents will be given two weeks to complete their agreement.The unit agreement may be updated as the semester progresses if the members of the assigned unit feel revisions are needed and/or a Residential Experience staff member deems changes are necessary.
    2. This agreement is considered as policies and expectations for the unit, and failure to adhere to the agreement may result in disciplinary action. Further, the agreement cannot supersede laws, policies in the university’s Student Conduct and Honor Code, or the Housing and Residential Experience policies.
    3. Visitors and guests must adhere to the Unit Agreement. Failure to adhere to the Unit Agreement will result in removal of the guest(s). Guidelines for guests must be in alignment with the university guest policy.

    U.34 Weapons, Firearms, and Explosives

    1. Weapons, firearms, and explosives of any form are not allowed in the Residence Halls.
    2. Possession, storage or use of firearms, explosives, ammunition or other weapons or dangerous articles or substances, including, but not limited to tasers, stun guns, and non-lethal weapons such as fireworks, paintball guns, air guns, BB guns, gel ball blasters, any dangerous chemical or biological agents, corrosive agents, compressed gas, sling shots, brass knuckles, Chinese stars, or any other item used as a weapon is strictly prohibited.
    3. Swords, hunting knives, daggers, dirks, stiletto knives, machetes, axes, hatchets, and switchblades are not permitted in the residence halls. Please see U.05 Cooking Appliances for regulations on culinary knives.
    4. Threat of the use of a weapon or weapons that could, or would, cause distress or injury to a member or members of the University community or damage to University Premises or On-Campus Housing is prohibited.
    5. For more details Refer to Student Conduct and Honor Code section 5(xxx.)

     U.35 Windows and Screens

    1. Windows are to always remain closed when air conditioning is on and functioning properly. Students are required to keep windows closed to ensure efficient / safe operation of student housing facilities. Housing Staff may elect to permanently seal windows if deemed necessary to maintain the efficient/safe operation of the facility.

     The student housing facilities located on the Modesto A. Maidique Campus are equipped with hurricane screens. The screens were not designed to be opened unless an emergency condition exists, requiring the resident to evacuate the living unit. The screens are to always remain closed.

    1. Signs, pictures, banners, empty bottles, and similar objects may not be displayed in windows so that they block or impede access, exit, or view to the unit in time of emergency. This is to ensure the health and safety of students and rescue personnel.
    2. Students are not permitted to remove their window screens.
    3. Windows are not to be used as entrance or exit to units.
    4. Residents who open their windows without approval from the Residential Experience Coordinator, Housing Operations, Housing Facilities, or emergency may be subject to the student conduct and honor code process.


  • Facilities Maintenance


    External antennas / dishes of any type are prohibited.


    Damages which occur in a unit will be charged to the resident(s) at a rate which includes actual replacement and labor costs. Public area damages will be charged to those identified as responsible. Public area damages not charged to a specific individual may be charged to residents of a floor, building, or unit.


    Tampering with or rewiring elevators is prohibited. Elevators may not be used during general building evacuation in a fire or severe weather emergency.


    Residents are responsible for all furnishings provided in their unit. Furnishings may not be removed from assigned locations. Alterations to furnishings will result in charges for replacement or restoration to original condition.  Personal beds (non-FIU beds), lofts, homemade bunk beds, futons, couches or oversized furniture are not permitted in the residence hall.  Personal washing machines and dryers, or any other major household appliances are not permitted. Due to limited space and safety reasons, students are discouraged from bringing additional furnishings. Housing and Residential Life staff reserve the right to have students remove personal furnishings from a unit if they are believed to pose a safety risk, impede movement within the unit, or represent a fire hazard. Community/lounge furniture may not be removed or relocated. If community lounge furniture is found within a unit, the residents will be charged a minimum $20 charge for its relocation.


    Keys are issued to each resident at check-in. A $100 lock change fee is assessed for each lost key.

    Keys are only for the resident assigned to the unit and should only be in the possession of the resident to whom the key was assigned and should not be given to anyone else for any reason, no exceptions. Keys may not be duplicated. All keys issued to residents are the property of Florida International University. Be aware that doors can be pinned at any time if deemed necessary by Housing and Residential Life.

    Locks / Doors

    Locks may not be tampered with in any way that interferes with the use of keys or prevents locking/unlocking of doors. Locks may not be added to any doors in the unit, nor may they be changed or replaced except by authorized housing personnel. No door may be propped open; a possible $50 charge will be assessed for a propped door. The use of a dead bolt in the lock position in order to keep the door propped open is prohibited. Allowing individuals access into a housing facility through an unauthorized or locked entrance is prohibited. (See the Police and Regulations Section for more information).

    Lounges and reserved spaces

    FIU residence hall lounges and reserved spaces are for the use of residents and approved guests only. Guest(s) must be accompanied by host(s). During quiet hours only residents and approved overnight guests are allowed in residence hall lounges and reserved spaces.

    Only pre-approved events are permitted in reserved spaces; exceptions will be made for Residential Life programs or meetings.

    Reservation request forms are available in the Housing Office.

    Room personalization policy

    Nails, tacks, or any adhesive products that will do damage to surfaces is not permitted. Painting, wallpapering, and paneling of a unit by residents is strictly prohibited. Posters, pictures, and other decorative objects may be attached to interior surfaces of a unit with the understanding that the resident of the unit will be held financially responsible for any resulting damages. Shelves or other items are not to be attached to walls or ceilings. Carpet may not be affixed to the floor surface. Cinder blocks are not permitted to lift or adjust beds, desks, chairs, tables, couches, or other furniture. Residents will be charged for the repair of any damages from the violation of these policies.

    Residents are encouraged to decorate their units in a way that is pleasing and comfortable to them. However, residents need to be respectful of roommates and community members when decorating. Some words, symbols, images, etc. may offend others. The Department of Housing and Residential Life will review resident or staff complaints due to offensive or questionable decorations. Appeals of decisions are at the discretion of the Director of Residential Life and/ or her designee. (See the Police and Regulations Section for more information)

    Windows and screens

    Windows are to remain closed at all times when air conditioning is on and functioning properly. Students are encouraged to keep windows closed to ensure efficient / safe operation of student housing facilities. Housing staff may elect to permanently seal windows if deemed necessary to maintain the efficient / safe operation of the facility. Windows are not to be used as entrance or exit to units. Signs, pictures, banners, empty bottles, and similar objects may not be displayed in windows so that they block or impede access, exit, or view to the unit in time of emergency. This is to ensure the health and safety of students and rescue personnel. Students are not permitted to remove their window screens.

    The student housing facilities located on the Modesto A. Maidique Campus are equipped with hurricane screens. The screens were not designed to be opened unless an emergency condition exists, requiring the resident to evacuate the living unit. The screens are to remain closed at all times. If a screen is found open, the resident will be subject to a $50 fine.


    University ID card or other forms of identification with a picture must he presented upon request of a University official, including Residence Hall staff. Presenting a false ID or impersonating a University official are prohibited.

    Inspection of units

    Housing and Residential Life staff reserve the right to inspect units on a regular basis for necessary repairs, cleanliness, and safety checks. Health and Safety Inspections will be announced via email and may be found on the Housing and Residential Life website. Items that are found during inspections that are in violation of housing and residential life policies, may be confiscated by University officials and may be immediately discarded.


    Residents will be permitted one courtesy lockout without charge per semester.  Upon the second lockout of the semester, every subsequent lockout results in a $50 fee issued to the resident. Residents should keep their room key and Panther ID Card with them at all times.  For specific procedures for lockout, contact your Front Desk.