Moving Out

Spring 2025 Move-out 

Students not staying with us for the Summer Session A or C are expected to move out within 24 hours of their last final or by noon on Saturday, April 26, whichever comes first.  
Move-out Check List 

Make sure to complete the item below to minimize your chance for check out charges. 
  • Close and lock all windows 
  • Open the curtains and/or blinds 
  • Take all food out the refrigerator and discard/donate. The refrigerator must be cleaned. 
  • Remove all items from cabinets, dressers, desk, nightstands, shelves, etc. 
  • Clean your room and common area, including bathroom and kitchen/kitchenette, if applicable 
    • Sweep floors, wipe down counters & sinks, clean stove 
      • Cleaning Charges: $50 - $200 
  • Remove all trash from your room and common areas 
    • Trash Removal Charges: $50 - $100 
  • Take all of your belongings, do not leave items behind. 
    • Take clothing hangers, chargers, cleaning supplies, bedding, including mattress pad and pillows, etc. 
  • Take down decorations, tape, nails, command strips, etc. 
  • Turn off all lights 
  • Do not turn off the A/C 
  • Make sure all doors (bedroom and suite) are locked 
  • Meet staff at the front desk at your designated check-out time for your room inspection
  • Return your assigned key(s) to your respective RA/Front Desk, if applicable 
    • $100 fee for a lost/replacement key/lock  
Check-out Procedure: 
  1. Sign-up for a check-out appointment on your housing portal starting noon on Monday, March 31. Students who do not select a check-out time by April 16 will be assigned a check-out time
  2. Attend your RAs closing meeting. They will communicate the proper way to complete a check-out. You can also contact your building’s REC or email if you have any questions about check-out procedures. 
  3. Pack early and when possible, move things over a couple of weekends instead of waiting until move-out day  
  4. All of your items must be out of your room and all cleaning should be completed before you meet with staff for your check-out. 
  5. At the time of your check-out appointment, go to your area's front desk and let a staff member know that you are ready to have your room inspected. 
  6. After your room is inspected, return your key to the RA or staff member at the front desk of your complex to complete check-out.   
Students Graduating at the End of Spring
Students who are graduating at the end of the spring semester will be granted an automatic extension until 10 am the day following their graduation ceremony. The Housing Office will communicate these dates to students once registration for graduation closes. Graduating students who do not sign up for a commencement ceremony will be expected to move out 24 hours after their last final. 

Will be granted for the following residents: 
  1. Graduating students participating in commencement ceremony 
  2. Students working commencement 
  3. Housing staff who are working for the department
  4. Students with in-person finals scheduled after April 26 
Students who meet one of the criteria listed above will need to email their extension request to by 5pm on April 11. Students will be notified within two business days if their request is approved or denied. No extensions will be granted past 10 am on May 2 for any reason. Students approved for an extension will be required to move to Everglades Hall on Monday, April 28, between 9am and 12pm.   
Extensions will not be approved for students waiting to move into another location off campus or for flights scheduled after the halls close. 
Unapproved Extensions 
Unapproved extensions will be charged $200.00 for each night the student stays past the hall closing date. 

Students Staying for Session A/C 
Students staying on campus for Summer Session A or C are expected to move to their summer assignment on either April 30 or May 2. The date will be determined based on what session they are staying for and where they're moving to. Information about the spring to summer transition will be sent to students who are staying on campus for summer via email by April 8.